

I was pleased to see that the counter on the site is clicking its way towards the 1000 visitor mark. Should I present some award to that doughty band of individuals who have progressed it to this total? 1000 visitors is about 10 minutes surfing on some sites, but who said historic racing was big business?

Its been a funny year this year. After I left work early this year on severance terms, I did t think that I would have more time to devote to the site and thus set in train a number of extra pages which I thought would broaden its dimension and appeal. Two things interfered with that.

1. gms motorsport is a very time consuming operation. When we're not racing, we're getting ready to race, or getting there. Almost a full time job in fact.......

2. Some b******d offered me a job! OK only 2 days a week but it does eat into my time.

What has all this drivel got to do with me I hear you cry? What indeed. As its the end of the season, I thought it best to dust down some of the pages in readiness for next year and it made me think some of them shouldn't be reloaded and that I need to gear the site up to what I can manage and what fits the site best.

We are continuing in historic racing next year as this, contesting the HGPCA and the BRDC sports car Championships. We are also contesting the Gentleman Drivers endurance series and there is the whiff of a historic Le Mans race in September 2002. All this together with Terry Dye's excellent Jaguar reports and pictures, will form the staple of the site. The reports from me will be longer and more about the entire weekend. See the article on Snetterton as an example.

Rather than comment on every F1 GP, I shall comment from time to time as things arise rather than rehash what has been written in Autosport et al. The obituaries page in the end, I found too depressing to continue. We lost too many good men this year and it became a joyless task .

I hope all these changes meet with your approval and that the four of you will continue to patronise the site!!

As ever, you can always contact me if you have any queries or comments.