Pau 2001











Driver's Eye view of the beautiful, but somewhat recalcitrant Frazer Nash which Dick Smith brought down.


Pau!!! What an event! Pau is about as far as you go in France without dropping into the Med. Set in the foothills of the Pyrenees, it looks fairly innocuous as you drive through the commercial part of the town. However once we had negotiated the very friendly staff they took us to the paddock. It was a scorching day and we had had an excellent drive down from Calais. A little hung over maybe due to the long drive and the over night stop. This had not occurred until midnight as we had been delayed on the ferry and had only got onto French soil at 1930. We pressed on as far as we could until we found a comfy pull off near Orleans. Not just a lay-by you understand; the French do things properly. This had toilets and showers, phones if you wanted them.
Anyway we slipped into the "pod" our sleeping area in the transporter and got onto the bunks. The fridge runs of the van battery so the Stella was nice and cold. It was the whisky that did for us. Inspection the following day revealed damage to the extent of a half bottle
Anyway, I digress. Here we were in a park in Pau in 25-degree heat and it looked stunning. Pau is like a mini Monaco, except we had the luxury of a decent size paddock on the inside of the circuit. With hindsight, we parked the transporter on the grass but with our awning on a tarmac square. More of that later. If any of you have the PC game Spirit of Speed, you will have attempted Pau. Let me tell you, it has not changed one bit since the 30's. Difficult to as it's a street circuit.
We had taken both cars, as there was also a round of the BRDC Sports Car Championship, so we had both the 11 and the 18.
We set up OK and had a very luxurious meal on Thursday night. Friday was a virtual "no day" such was the relaxed schedule. However, we got Mark out first for the free practice session, so he would have a clear run. Soon he was round mixing it with a couple of Listers and then - nothing, the rest were miles behind. He ended up 3rd quickest in the, admittedly, untamed session. Not 3rd in class, 3rd. Our spirits were sky high. He qualified well in the 18; about 10th. However, when it came to qualifying the 11, we were once again 1st in the queue to get out followed by no fewer than 4 of the other class B cars. Word had obviously got round that Mark was the man to follow. Mark drooped the clutch to pull out onto the track and - nothing. The drive shaft had gone and that was it. Zero, no points, and a major lost opportunity to really get stuck into the BRDC Championship.
Fortunately, we were Ok with the 18 but there was the small matter of the weather. It rained. It rained from Saturday morning until (cruelly) the flag dropped after our race on Sunday evening. The paddock, which had looked so picturesque on Thursday, now looked like Viet Nam. And all those electric cable trailing through pools of water.
Mark finished 9th with the 18 after a heroes drive from everyone. Up at the front Duncan Dayton and John Harper put everything into a quite brilliant scrap for the lead, with Duncan eventually getting it. Great one guys.
So, it could have been better, but we enjoyed it. Here are some pictures of the circuit. Hope they give you a flavour of the track. Pau did a great job with all standing spectating free and a meagre £6 for a grandstand seat if required. Everyone made us feel really welcome and hopefully they will repeat it in 2 years time. Go if you get the chance to.

Our neighbours in the paddock had a very nice pair of Bugattis on display.










Front and back view of the amazing Gurney Weslake which ran in the FORCE race. Brilliant!!